How to take screenshot on LG K51/ Screen Record LG K51 lmk500

There are 3 ways to capture a screenshot on LG K51. You can use the age-old button combination method that works on almost every android smartphone. In this, we need to press the volume down + power button simultaneously to capture a screen.

In the 2nd method, you can use the navigation panel shortcut/quick access icon to capture a screen. The 3rd and the last method is via the home touch button shortcut.

Let’s explore the ways to capture a screenshot on LG K51 in great detail. We are also going to find out how to screen record on LG K51  –

How to Screenshot on LG K51

There are 3 ways to take a screenshot on K51 –

First Method – Navigation Panel shortcut

lg k51 screenshot

Pull down the navigation panel and hit the “Screenshot icon” to capture a screen.

Second Method – Home Touch Button Shortcut

how to screenshot on lg k51

On LG K51, we can have up to 5 home touch buttons.

Along with the home, back, and recent apps buttons we can also add a notification pull-down and screenshot button.

Let’s see how to do that –

Open the Settings app located on your K51 home screen and select Display.


lg k51 navigation bar

Go to the Navigation bar and make sure the Gesture Style is set to Buttons only.

Now, select “Button combination”.

screenshot lg k51

We need to drag the screenshot icon as marked in the above screenshot.

how to take a screenshot on lg k51

The screenshot button is placed on the extreme right of the navigation bar.

Hit the screenshot button to capture a screenshot.


Third Method – Volume Down + Power Button Combination

screenshot on lg k51

The most common method of capturing a screen is via the volume & power button.

You need to press both the buttons simultaneously to capture a screen.

I’m trying to capture a screenshot of the home page of this blog.


LG K51 Full page Scrolling Screenshot

lg k51 scrolling screenshot

I captured the screenshot by pressing the volume down and power keys together.

A screenshot preview/notification shows up at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

There are 5 options on the Screenshot preview. Let’s explore them one by one.

The first option with the down arrow is used to capture a scrolling screenshot.

lg k51 full page screenshot

The full-page webpage screenshot can be useful for offline viewing.

The scrolling screenshot opens in drawing mode by default.

Use 2 fingers to scroll in the drawing mode.

lg k51 panoramic screenshot

Hit the tick icon to save this full-page screenshot.

It’s successfully saved to the Screenshots album in the Gallery.

lg k51 full page scrolling screenshot

This is the captured scrolling screenshot.

LG K51 Gif Capture

lg k51 gif capture

The next option on the screenshot notification preview is Gif capture as marked in the above screenshot.

lg k51 gifs

We can resize the gif window.

Play the portion of the video or image slideshow whose gif you wish to make.

I’ve started playing a youtube video on my K51. Now, let’s press the gif capture button.


how to make gif on lg k51

The maximum duration of a gift image can be 15 seconds.

gif capture on lg k51

Hit the “Save” option to save this gif image file in Gallery.

Capture Plus – Draw on Screenshot

how do your screenshot on lg k51

The next shortcut on the screenshot notification is the drawing mode. I’ve marked the icon in the above screenshot.

how to screenshot lg k51

Write/Draw on the image and hit the tick icon to save this screenshot in the Image Gallery.


Delete the captured screenshot

delete screenshot lg k51

The 4th option on the screenshot preview window is the “Delete icon”.

Use this option to delete the captured screenshot right away. You can undo and restore the screenshot if deleted by mistake.


Share the captured screenshot

lg k51 share screenshot

The last option on the screenshot notification window is the “Share icon”. Use it to share the captured screenshot via any of the sharing mediums listed above.


How to Screen Record on LG K51 / Does the LG K51 has Screen Recording?

There is no native screen recorder app on LG K51. There are a few decent screen recording apps on the Google play store. They also let you record with a single click. Let’s see how to do that –


lg k51 screen record

Open the Google play store app located on your K51 home screen and search for “Screen recorder”.

do the lg k51 have screen recording

Let’s Install the most popular and highest-rated screen recorder app “Xrecorder from IncShot”.


lg k51 screen recording

Once the installation is done, open the app.

Hit “ALLOW” to accept the screen overlay permission.

does the lg k51 have screen recording

Toggle on “Permit drawing over other apps” as shown above.


lg k51 screen recorder app

Allow the Xrecorder app to access photos, media & files on your device.

Hit the Xrecorder shortcut on the right edge of the screen.

screen record lg k51

Click the recorder button as marked in the above screenshot and give permission to record audio.

lg k51 xrecorder

Finally, hit “Start now” to begin screen recording.

LG K51 one-click screen recording

lg k51 one click screen recording

I’ve installed 4 screen recording apps on my K51. Out of these, I like XRecorder & Screen Recorder Kimcy929 the most. Either of these can be added as the navigation panel shortcut for a single-click recording. Let’s see how to add the shortcut –

Swipe down your K51 screen to get access to the navigation panel. Now hit the “edit/pencil icon” as marked in the above screenshot.

lg k51 screen recording shortcut

The Screen Recorder and XRecorder icons are hidden. Swipe up the upper portion of the navigation panel as marked in the above screenshot.

Now, hold and drag the screen recorder icon and place it at a convenient location.



lg k51 screen recording quick access icon

I’ve placed the screen recorder shortcut beside the screenshot icon as visible in the above screenshot.

Now, hit the tick icon to save this setting.

lg k51 screen record shortcut

In the same manner, we can drag and place the Xrecorder icon.

lg k51 screen record button

For instant screen recording, pull down the notification bar and hit either of these quick access icons/shortcuts.

LG K51 Screen Record Settings

1. XRecorder

best screen recorder app for lg k51

Let’s check out the Xrecorder settings page.

We can control video resolution, quality, and the frame rate of the screen recording.


lg k51 screen record settings

Tick the option “Hide recording window during recording” for a clean recording.

You can also use the front camera & brush while recording.

screen recording settings lg k51

We can edit, merge, or compress the recorded video with the XRecorder app.

2. Screen Recorder Kimcy929

lg k51 kimcy929 screen recorder app

The other notable screen recorder app on the play store is by Kimcy929.

It was ad-free for many years, but no more.

Let’s check out the settings page of Kimcy929 Screen Recorder.


lg k51 pause screen recording

We get an additional option, the Magic button when compared to Xrecorder.

You can control the opacity of the magic button and keep it almost hidden while recording. It can be used to pause screen recording in between.


lg k51 screen recording stop to shake

This page shows the stop options. We can stop recording by shaking the phone or by turning off the screen.


lg k51 screen record audio video settings

Here are the video & audio settings of the Kimcy929 Screen Recorder app.

lg k51 screen record watermark

We can also add a screen overlay text/banner for watermarking purposes.

How was your Screenshot & Screen Recording experience on LG K51? Share your views in the comment section below.




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