We can easily convert talk to text on both LG K30 & K40. This can be done using the pre-installed Quick Memo or Google Assistant App.
Google Voice Typing even offers the Voice match feature. Google Assistant records your voice clips to create a unique voice model for accurate speech to text conversion.
Let’s check out how to convert talk to text on K30 & K40 as per the below video and screenshots –
LG K30 / K40 Talk to Text – Quick Memo Plus
We can easily dictate notes on the LG K40 QuickMemo+ app using its Talk to Text feature.
Launch the “QuickMemo+” app located on the LG K40 Home Screen.
Hit the “+” icon to add a new memo.
Now when the keyboard shows up, tap the “Mic icon”.
A window opens up at the bottom of the screen with a message – “Try saying something”.
Speak in the mic and your speech will be converted to text.
I’ve used the voice typing feature to write a short memo as visible in the above screenshot.
I’m made a video on this as well. Please check out the below video –
We can adjust the Google Voice Typing settings as per our liking. Let’s see how to do that –
LG K30 / K40 Google Voice Typing Settings
On your LG K40, Go to Settings > General Tab > Language & keyboard” as shown above.
Now click “On-screen keyboard” and select “Google voice typing” on the “On-Screen keyboard” page.
1. Language Settings
Apart from English, you can choose any other language for Talk to text conversion.
We can selectively get the spoken results for Hands-free searches only. The default option is for “All voice searches”.
For offline speech recognition, you can download the language of your choice.
The English language is pre-installed.
The Auto-Update feature keeps updating the downloaded language using mobile data or wifi.
2. Voice Match Feature
The voice match feature records our audio clip every time we say “Hey Google” or while searching for anything using voice command.
This particular voice model trains Google Assistant to show more accurate results.
LG K40 Speech to Text – Google Assistant
We can also convert Speech to text using the Google Assistant App.
Use the dedicated “Google Assistant” button on your LG K40, which is located below the volume rocker or long-press the “Home button” to launch Google Assistant.
Hit the mic icon and say “Show me my notes”.
Alternatively, you can manually go to the notes page.
Tap the profile setting icon on the top-right corner and select “Settings” as shown above.
Tap the “Services” tab and hit the first option i.e. “Notes and Lists”.
Now open “Your notes & lists”.
Hit the “+” icon to add a new note.
Hit the “mic icon” on the keyboard to start your dictation. Speak anything in the mic and it’ll start typing.
After converting talk to text let’s do the opposite.
Very can also convert Text to Speech on LG K40.
Let’s check out the procedure –
LG K40 Text to Speech
1. Voice Notifications – Read Caller Info & Messages out loud
After converting talk to text now let’s try the opposite.
On your K40, go to Settings > General > Accessibility.
Select the first option i.e. Vision.
Now tap “Message/call voice notifications”.
By turning on voice notification for “Calls” you will hear the caller name during each incoming call.
Likewise, on enabling the “Messages” & “Read messages” option, we get to hear the SMS sender name as well as the text message aloud.
We can change the voice notification settings by hitting “Message/call voice notifications language.”
We are now on the Text to Speech output page.
Here we can change the language, speech rate, pitch, etc.
2. Select to Speak – Reads out text on the screen aloud
To read text on the screen aloud you can enable “Select to Speak” in Accessibility settings.
Tap “TURN ON” and hit “CONTINUE” to enable “Select to speak”.
Tap the “human logo” at the bottom right corner.
Click to play button to hear the text on the screen.
We can play selective text or everything on the screen.
How was your Talk to text experience on LG K40? Please share it via the comment section below.