There are 3 different variants of LG K31 in the USA. The 1st one is the Factory unlocked version with the model number LMK300qm. The 2nd K31 is for Spectrum Mobile with the model number lmk300qm6 & the last one is the K31 Rebel for Tracfone/Straight Talk with model number L355DL.
The dialer codes can vary according to the model number. In this post, we are going to find the different working secret codes for all the K31 variants as follows –
LG K31 Secret Codes/Dialer Codes & Hidden Menu
To enter an LG K31 secret code, we need to open the phone dialer located on the home screen.
1. LG K31 IMEI Code
The first secret code on the K31 reveals the IMEI number.
It’s a universal dialer code that works on almost all GSM smartphones.
The code for the same is *#06#
2. LG K31 Rebel Hidden Menu Code – lmk300qm l355dl
The 2nd and the most significant LG K31 dialer code is the Hidden Menu code. This secret code varies according to the model number of the device.
If yours is a Factory Unlocked or Spectrum K31, you have to enter the code *#546368#*300#
For LG K31 Rebel the Hidden Menu code is *#546368#*355#
The 4 options on the Hidden Menu page are –
Device Test, ORT Test, SVC Menu & Field Test.
Out of these the “Device Test” option is the most useful one. It offers a huge list of test options that can aid in troubleshooting your LG K31.
Let’s explore them one by one starting with the “Device Test”.
Click on “Device Test” to proceed.
Now go to “SAAT” > “Service Menu – Manual Test”.
All the Device test options are listed in the above screenshot.
The 2nd option on the Hidden Menu page is ORT Test.
Let’s choose the “Manual Mode” and select “Test Start”.
The test options are slightly different than the Device test page.
You need to choose a test and select “Test Start” to begin the test.
I’ve chosen the Display Pattern test. We need to set the test time first.
Tap “Test Stop” to end the test.
The 3rd option on the Hidden Menu page is “SVC Menu”.
The “SVC Menu” device test options are listed above.
The last option on the K31 Hidden Menu page is “Field Test”.
It covers all the network-related tests. Please refer to the above screenshot.
3. LG K31 Testing Code
The 3rd LG K31 secret code reveals the “Testing” page.
Open your K31 phone dialer and enter the code *#*#*4636#*#*
There are 2 options on the testing page.
Let’s choose the first option i.e. “Phone Information”.
Here it shows the basic phone information and detailed network-related information.
Using this page we can change the “Preferred network mode”.
Now, let’s select the 2nd option on the Testing page i.e. “Usage Statistics”.
It keeps a tab on the app usage launch time and duration. You can sort apps on the basis of usage time, launch count & app name.
4. LG K31 Calendar Info Code
The 4th secret code on our list reveals the Calendar Information.
It will show your personal calendar entries.
The dialer code for the same is *#*#225#*#*
5. LG K31 FCM Diagnostics Code
The 5th LG K31 secret code opens the “FCM Diagnostics” page.
To enter this menu, you need to type the code *#*#*426#*#* in your K31 dialer.
There is also an advanced view for more detailed information.
6. LG K31 Engineering Menu Code
The last LG K31 dialer code on our list shows the Engineer Mode.
To access the LG K31 engineering menu, you need to enter the code *#*#3646633#*#*
We need to swipe towards the right to explore the LG K31 engineer mode.
The first “Telephony” tab shows the network-related information.
Swipe left to view the “Connectivity” tab.
We have Bluetooth and Wifi information on this page.
The 3rd tab covers “Hardware Testing”.
The only option on this page is “Audio”.
The 4th one is the “Location” tab. There are 2 options on this page – “Location-based service” & “YGPS”.
The 5th tab in the Engineer Mode is “Log & debugging”.
The last tab by the name “Others” is empty.
If I’ve missed any LG K31 secret code, please share it via the comment section below.